Finding the Right Biller – One Size Does Not Fit All

One of the reasons we opened National Revenue Consulting was because we saw healthcare professionals who loved seeing patients but could not find the time or energy after a full day to manage the billing. Among other things, they also struggled with outsourced services and always had to manage those partners. Our number one commitment is […]

Unbundling CPTs

Unbundling is the topic for Friday’s Fraud Alert! Join us every Friday for tips on medical billing. Unknowingly or knowingly, offices sometimes improperly unbundle CPT (current procedural terminology) codes to increase reimbursement or due to misunderstanding. Unbundling occurs when an office will bill multiple CPT codes for services that should be covered by a single […]

Group Purchasing Organizations

Group Purchasing Organizations … What is a group purchase organization and what can it do for my business? How can this apply to my private practice? I find this topic one of those quick lessons that can be so powerful in healthcare and even more powerful for small practices where even small expenses can add […]

Key Billing Metrics

doctor with prescription calling on phone

The number one thing we have recognized about many of our new clients is that in the past they have been completely in the dark when it comes to medical billing data in their practice. Monitoring your practice’s financial performance when it comes to revenue is critical for your group’s success and ensures that you […]

No Surprise Act

Let’s go over the 2022 new “No Surprise Act” created to protect patients covered under group and individual healthcare plans from receiving surprise medical bills. Okay so let’s break it down. There are a lot of details in this so hang in there with me. As always, these are recommendations only, please consult with your […]

Prolonged Patient Visits

We are often asked about how to manage prolonged patient visits when it comes to billing and coding. It is important to remember that you must have a true clinical reason for the prolonged visit and the documentation to support the extended care. We will review a few different types of codes to use with […]